New Priest in Charge appointed

Announcement from the Bishop of Stepney:

"I’m pleased to be able to let you know that we have been able to make an appointment to the post of priest-in-charge of Barnsbury, to be incumbent of the proposed new parish. It is announced that the Revd Caroline Titley will be taking up the role in the new year.

"Caroline is curate of Wilton, in Salisbury Diocese, and has had a varied career before ordination, including being Chief Executive of Bracknell Forest Homes for ten years. She’s also had extensive lay involvement in church and community, with experience of a large building project. She will be moving in January, along with her husband Robert, who until now has been Canon Treasurer of Salisbury Cathedral. I have every confidence that she will be an excellent vicar and has the leadership skills and experience to encourage every member of St Andrew’s and Church on the Corner, to help you develop a vision for mission in Barnsbury to help you grow, and to tackle the building issues at St Andrew’s.

"I hope that you will join me in praying for Caroline as she prepares to take up the role, and please know that you are all in my prayers too"